Information to Parents/Carers

About our school

A warm welcome

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. You will want to choose a school that is safe and secure, where the children are valued and cared for. You will want a school that has high expectations of both behaviour and achievement. In short, you will want a learning environment that is stimulating and which will help them to grow into happy and confident young people.

At Rhoscolyn, we can offer all this.

The information in this prospectus aims to give you a taste of what we can offer. It can never be a substitute for visiting the school, but it will give you some basic information relating to all aspects of school life.

Please come and see for yourself what we have to offer. When you do, you will see a thriving, innovative primary school that is friendly, secure and above all, successful.

I look forward to meeting you.

Rwth Ll Williams

About our school


The Foundation Phase

3 to 7 years


At Rhoscolyn nursery children attend part time morning sessions in the September following their third birthday.


The school admits first time pupils during the September following their fourth birthday, in accordance with the LEA policy. In accordance with the County Admissions Policy, all applications must be submitted by March 1st and by the end of March a notice will be sent confirming whether or not the child will be admitted.

At Ysgol Rhoscolyn we recognise the fact that young children have already started learning well before entering early education. In the early years, children’s learning develops more rapidly than at any other time. Children need time to play, to reflect, to repeat, and to talk to peers and adults.

Admissions other than nursery or reception

We know that joining a new school can sometimes be a worrying experience. We will try and do all we can to help you with the process. If you want to apply for a place at Rhoscolyn, then you need to contact the school secretary, who will arrange an appointment with the Headteacher.

If you wish to apply for free school meals for your child, please ask the school secretary for guidance.

If you are considering applying for a place for your child at our school, then you are most welcome to look around during or after the school day. It is advisable to make an appointment to ensure that time will be available to answer any questions you may have.



SESSION 1 9.00am 10.30am

BREAK 10.30am 10.45am

SESSION 2 10.45am 12.00pm

KS1 LUNCH 12.00pm 1.15pm

KS2 12.00pm 1.00pm

SESSION 3 1.00/1.15 2.00pm

BREAK 2.00pm 2.10pm

SESSION 4 2.10pm 3.10pm

NOTE: The school closes at 3.10pm for all pupils.

Before and after school

Children who register for our breakfast club arrive in school for 8am, enjoy a wholesome breakfast in the school hall, and are supervised at play by the breakfast club staff until 8.50am.

Children who choose not to attend the breakfast club arrive in school between 8.50am and 9.00am, and are supervised by the teachers, who endeavour to make themselves available at this time to deal with any day to day issues or queries you may have.

We ask parents of younger children to accompany your child to the Nursery and Reception Entrance at the rear of the school, where the class teacher will be ready to greet the children from 8.50am. Older children may remain on the playground without parental supervision. Parents are asked not to accompany their child into the main building.

At then end of the school day, the younger children are accompanied to the school gate by their teachers who will only dismiss your child when they can see you or the nominated carer. Older children may walk or cycle home unsupervised. Children who use the school buses are escorted to the bus by the teachers.

Any child who is uncollected will be taken to the main entrance. Please let us know if you are going to be late.

At Ysgol Rhoscolyn we attempt to plan experiences that will extend this learning and plan a curriculum which is appropriate to the child’s stage of learning.

Children’s interests, ideas and experiences form the basis of the early years curriculum and learning through play is given a high profile. Pupils are taught in a light and spacious learning environment and are provided with activities which will stimulate their learning and increase their knowledge and understanding of the world. They are encouraged to use their senses, explore natural materials and work together sharing ideas and resources.

The classroom is a pleasant and friendly learning environment in which pupils are encouraged to work co-operatively with adults and fellow pupils. Their opinions are valued and encouraged and their work is displayed in and around the classroom.

Much is made of the surrounding countryside and the natural beauty of Rhoscolyn. Pupils frequently enjoy short walks and outdoor excursions.

Early Years staff place great emphasis on the individuality of each child and in turn our children feel proud and valued members of our Early Years Class.

About our school

Admissions other than nursery or reception

We know that joining a new school can sometimes be a worrying experience. We will do all we can to help you with the process. If you want to apply for a place at Rhoscolyn, then you need to contact the School Secretary, who will arrange an appointment with the Headteacher.

If you are considering applying for a place for your child at our school, then you are most welcome to look around during or after the school day. It is advisable to make an appointment to ensure that time will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Before and after school

Children who register for our Breakfast Club arrive in school for 8am, enjoy a wholesome breakfast in the school hall, and are supervised at play by the Breakfast Club staff until 8.50am.

Children who choose not to attend the Breakfast Club arrive in school between 8.50am and 9.00am, and are supervised by the teachers, who will endeavour to make themselves available at this time to deal with any day to day issues or queries you may have.

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school on time. Persistent lateness or absence will adversely affect your child’s learning as well as that of their classmates. Any child who misses the beginning of the day is at an immediate disadvantage. Please ensure that you child arrives in school before 9.00am.

We ask parents of younger children to accompany your child to the Nursery and Reception Entrance at the rear of the school, where the class teacher will be ready to greet the children from 8.50am. Older children may remain on the playground without parental supervision. Parents are asked not to accompany their child into the main building, however the Secretary’s Office is open should parents require assistance.

At the end of the school day, the younger children are accompanied to the school gate by their teachers who will only dismiss your child when they can see you or the nominated carer. Older children may walk or cycle home unsupervised. Children who use the school buses are escorted to the bus by the teachers.

Any child who is uncollected will be taken to the main entrance to await their parents. Please let us know if you are going to be late so that we may alleviate your child’s concerns.

About our school

Rhoscolyn promotes an approach that is learner-centred and skills-focussed, building upon an exemplary Foundation Phase and links effectively with a sound transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 and the Learning Pathways programme.

The school’s curriculum is designed to deliver the Government’s wider aims, including the promotion of:

Education for sustainable development and global citizenship

The world of work and entrepreneurship

Healthy eating and physical activity

Personal and Social Education

Personal and Social Education (PSE) is the process of helping learners to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives. Learners are also helped to clarify their personal values and attitudes in relation to those held by other people and society in general.

The Skills Framework

The skills framework provides guidance about continuity and progression in thinking, number, information and communication technology (ICT) and communication for learners from 3-19 and beyond. These are skills that will enable learners of any age to become successful, whether in school, the workplace, at home or elsewhere and at Rhoscolyn they are firmly embedded into the experience of learners across the curriculum.

The framework is made up of four sections – the development of thinking, number, ICT and communication across the curriculum. It aims to use language in common with statements relating to other areas of education – for example, the Foundation Phase learning outcomes and that of the Key Skills qualifications (Levels 1 and 2) – so that each complements and reinforces the other. The three wider Key Skills: working with others, improving own learning and performance and problem-solving, are integrated in the Skills Framework, most notably in the development of thinking.

Learner Entitlement

Rhoscolyn teaches all programmes of study and frameworks in ways appropriate to learners’ developing maturities and abilities. Pupils experience a variety of styles to extend their learning. We present material in ways suitable for the children’s age, experience, understanding and prior achievement to engage them in the learning process. Sufficient flexibility exists within our curriculum to meet the needs of all learners. For pupils working at higher levels, greater challenge is incorporated by presenting material in ways which extend breadth and depth of study. The level of demand may also be increased through the development and application of communication, number, information and communication technology (ICT) and thinking skills across the curriculum. At Rhoscolyn we provide a meaningful, relevant and motivating curriculum for our pupils and we aim to meet the specific needs of learners and further their all-round development.



Rhoscolyn pupils become confident, coherent and engaging speakers, working as individuals and as members of a group. Pupils take part in exciting drama and role-play activities, developing their experiences from the early years with a range of colourful puppets and storybooks. Pupils develop as active and responsive listeners in a wide range of situations.

Children are encouraged to become fluent readers – the school’s comprehensive reading schemes provide for the needs of all our children. They experience a progressively wide range of demanding texts, for enjoyment and information, so that they develop into fluent and effective readers.

We aim for our pupils to become competent writers, writing clearly and coherently in a range of forms and for a range of purposes. Many children enjoy participating in our monthly Young Writers’ Competition. The school is proud of its Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark for its provision of English Literacy.


Our aim is for our pupils to develop positive attitudes towards Mathematics by thinking and solving, reasoning and understanding real life problems.

They will do this by extending their use of the number system, counting reliably and calculating fluently with all four number operations. We teach them problem solving using mental and written methods of calculation, estimation strategies and the appropriate use of calculators.

Towards the end of Key Stage 2 they are expected to be able to select, discuss, explain and present Mathematics using an increasing range of language, diagrams and charts.

Lessons are presented using the latest interactive technology. We aim to make Mathematics at Rhoscolyn interesting, enjoyable and accessible for all our pupils.


Science at Rhoscolyn fosters curiosity and creativity, and is interesting, enjoyable, relevant and challenging for pupils. We enable learners to initiate, explore and share ideas, and extend, refine and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding in new situations. We allow time for thinking, peer discussion and reflection.

Pupils find out about:

The Sustainable Earth – planets in the solar system, materials around them, and the importance of recycling…

Electricity – drawing circuit diagrams, constructing electrical circuits and varying current…

Forces – magnets, paper aeroplanes, hot air balloons, using forcemeters, gravity, friction, air resistance…

Sound – vibrating objects, understanding pitch and volume, how sound travels…

Light – mirrors, periscopes, shadow puppets, shadows…

Independence and Interdependence of Organisms – food chains, local environment, nutrition, exercise, plants, minibeasts…



At Rhoscolyn we aim to foster in children a sense of wonder of places and the world about them. Through the study of our Welsh locality, the world beyond, different environments and events in the news, pupils will develop their understanding of what places are like and how and why they change.

In KS1 children follow a character called Nia on a journey to different localities. Later, we look in more depth at our coastal region and its changing landscape, rivers, weather and where people live. By studying contrasting localities like villages in India and Botswana, pupils become aware of different levels of economic developments outside the United Kingdom.


Our aim is to guide your child on a journey through time. In KS1, work is based on the child’s experiences, covering themes such as toys, houses, the family and transport. KS2 begin with a study of Ancient Egyptian Civilization, pupils learn about Tutankhamun’s ‘curse’ and decode ancient hieroglyphs. Pupils learn about Wales in Celtic times, comparing our lives with the way people lived in the past. Next, pupils chart the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, investigating what can be learnt from the grand ruins in Rome and from smaller scale sites in our own locality. Pupils learn of the Welsh princes and their battles against King Edward I, visiting one of his splendid North Wales castles. Then, they discover life in Tudor times and study some of the major changes that occurred during Queen Victoria’s reign. The historical journey ends with two modules on the twentieth century. The first will examine aspects of the Second World War, then an investigation of the latter part of the century, learning about the lives of contemporary figures, the space race, and the birth of the high-tech world in which we live.


Information and Communications Technology

We aim to develop in our pupils a confidence and competence in the use of ICT, essential to their success in education and the world of work. ICT is fully integrated into the school’s curriculum, we believe that the subject should be embedded into everyday learning, therefore pupils are given the opportunity to develop their skills in ICT through numeracy, literacy, science, the arts, design and technology and humanities. Every classroom at Rhoscolyn has an interactive whiteboard. Years 5 and 6 have a pupil / laptop ratio of 1:2.


Rhoscolyn enables learners to engage with, and enjoy making music. Pupils develop musical skills relating to the control, manipulation and presentation of sound. These skills include singing and playing instruments; improvising, composing and arranging music; and listening to and appraising music. Our annual Christmas Show is one of the highlights of the community’s festive calendar.

Religious Education

RE in KS1 is practical and colourful, teaching children about people’s faiths and ways of life. Later on, Rhoscolyn engages pupils with fundamental questions, exploring religious beliefs, teachings and practice and encouraging personal responses. We present the beliefs of the World’s great religions, always encouraging children to draw comparisons with the predominantly Christian locality in which they live. Pupils learn about artefacts and places of importance to believers and consider human experiences too.



Creativity flourishes at Rhoscolyn, where pupils are engaged with the work of artists, craftworkers and designers.

Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination and challenges pupils to make judgements and practical decisions. Using a variety of materials and processes such as, textiles, collage, 3D sculpture, painting, printmaking, batik and sketchbook work, they communicate their ideas and feelings through tactile, visual and sensory language. In KS1 children develop skills in a range of media, including collage, clay work, weaving and modelling, and always enjoy the ‘finger puppet’ module! In KS2 artwork often complements work shown in local and national art galleries - visits have included excursions to Oriel Mon and the Tate Gallery.

Rhoscolyn prides itself on the quality of the children’s artwork and displays many outstanding pieces in its gallery and online. Artists are regularly invited to enrich learners’ experiences. For those who want to extend themselves further, we offer a weekly after-school Art Club. We encourage pupils to work with creative abandon whilst following in the footsteps of Picasso, Pollock, Warhol, Miro, Goldsworthy, Heron, Hepworth and Moore.



Physical Education encourages learners to explore and develop the physical skills essential to taking part in a variety of different activities. Building on these are opportunities to be creative and imaginative in gymnastic and dance activities.

Through adventurous activities, they learn how to swim and feel safe in water and how to read a map or follow trails, so that it becomes safer to go further afield and explore the seashore and countryside. Competitive activities offer the chance to learn games skills and play in a team, as well as how to run faster, jump higher, and throw further. Pupils begin to understand that physical education is about learning how to feel healthy and stay fit while having fun, and knowing how these different types of activities help them to stay that way.

Every school year our Physical Education calendar includes: hockey, football, rugby, dance, fitness, gymnastics, swimming, cricket, basketball, netball, athletics and outdoor education. We host the county’s annual long distance running event in our extensive grounds. During the school year we also provide opportunities for children to attend residential courses in outdoor education.

During the course of the year, we hold after school clubs in football, rugby, cricket and basketball. The Urdd after-school club takes children skiing, rock climbing and canoeing amongst many more activities.

Competitive sports are encouraged. We regularly enter teams into rugby, football and cricket tournaments, along with the annual swimming gala.

All aspects of Physical Education are compulsory, and an appropriate kit is required for lessons. Trainers are required for outdoor lessons and sessions in the Sports Hall, whilst children take part in gymnastic and dance lessons in bare feet. A written request must be provided by pupils who wish to be excused from a PE session for medical reasons.


Design and Technology

Technology at Rhoscolyn is innovative and exciting. Pupils are made aware of achievements in the world of design and technology and the big ideas that have shaped the world. They are encouraged to be creative and innovative whilst being aware of the issues relating to sustainability and environmental issues in the twenty-first century. Pupils enjoy designing and making fleecy hats for outdoor wear – great for the winter weather conditions on Anglesey! Also they delight in adapting recipes to develop healthier lifestyle choices, and create 3D structures using pneumatic systems - always referring to the detailed designs they will have first produced using a specialised software package.

Including all Learners

Under the requirements of equal opportunities legislation covering race, gender and disability at Rhoscolyn we aim:

To eliminate discrimination and harassment and promote positive attitudes.

To promote equal opportunities and encourage participation in all areas of school life.

We believe that every learner should develop a sense of personal and cultural identity that is receptive and respectful towards others. Subjects are planned to develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, values and attitudes which enable our pupils to participate in our multi-ethnic society.

In preparing our pupils for life as global citizens, we work to reduce environmental and social barriers and provide an inclusive curriculum which offers opportunities for all learners to achieve in school.

We work with specialist services to ensure relevant and accessible learning experiences for all. For pupils with disabilities, we strive to improve access to the curriculum,

increase access to education and associated services and

provide information in a range of formats.


Using the Welsh Language

The Local Education Authority operates a bilingual policy in all schools within Anglesey. The aim is to develop the ability of pupils and students within the county to be confidently bilingual in order that they may be full members of the bilingual society of which they are part. Here at Rhoscolyn, we reflect and reinforce the language policy in our administration, social life and pastoral arrangements as well as our academic provision.

Nursery Education

To ensure, through sensitively structured provision and organisation, that each child receives a firm foundation in Welsh in order to enable him/ her in due course to attain the aim of full bilingualism.


To build on the Welsh language foundations laid through nursery education, to consolidate and develop the mother tongue of children who are Welsh learners and extend the child from a Welsh speaking home’s competence in English.


To consolidate and develop each child’s Welsh and English capabilities in all aspects, both active and receptive, so as to ensure that he/ she can speak, read and write fluently and confidently in both languages on transferring to secondary school.

Latecomers to KS2 attend a short (6 week) course at a Welsh Language Unit where they undergo intensive instruction in the Welsh language designed to equip them with the language skills needed to benefit from all that Rhoscolyn has to offer.

Your Child’s Progress


The class teacher will assess your child throughout the year, plotting your child’s development using our secure online system which allows us to track each pupil’s progress throughout his/her time at Rhoscolyn. In addition, pupils complete written assessments to gauge progress in literacy and numeracy at the beginning and end of each school year. Data from these tasks assist the teachers to make statutory assessments in the summer term of children in Year 2 and Year 6.


Some children at Rhoscolyn have additional learning needs of one kind or another. We have a number of staff who are able to support the class teacher in meeting these needs. The school has a Special Educational Needs co-ordinator, or SENCo who is responsible for ensuring that these special needs are met. The SENCo works very closely with parents to help the child as much as possible. Parents are encouraged to share any concerns they may have about their child’s learning with the class teacher or SENCo.

The School Community

Home-School Agreements

We have a Home-School Agreement that we ask all parents to sign. It is a statement of our aims and values, outlining everyone’s responsibilities regarding your child’s education. A copy of the Home-School Agreement can be found in the pocket at the end of this prospectus.


The Governing Body of the school are all volunteers who meet regularly to support the Headteacher in the leadership and management of the school. Our governors are all representatives of the local community, parents, teachers, councillors and local businesses.

A list of the current Governing Body can be found in the pocket at the end of this prospectus.


We believe that the children play a key role in the development of the school. We regularly consult them on matters and are keen to find out their opinions. We have an active School Council that consists of elected members from different year groups. They meet regularly with the Deputy Headteacher to discuss matters and report directly to the Headteacher.

Welfare and Safety


We aim for all our children to be well-behaved at all times, with good self-discipline. To do this we need to work in partnership with parents. To support this, we have a positive behaviour management policy, which highlights the school rules, along with systems of rewards to encourage good behaviour. If a child breaks a school rule, a detailed list of sanctions clearly outlines the appropriate action to follow.

Standards of good behaviour are expected at all times. All children are reminded that bullying and racism are not tolerated at school.


If your child is well enough to attend school but still needs to take medicine, the staff are not permitted to administer it. Generally, if a medicine needs to be taken 3 times a day, it can be given at home before school and again when your child comes home (with the third dose before bed). If you do need to come to the school to give your child medicine during the day, please contact the Headteacher.

If your child needs an inhaler pump, then please inform the Headteacher in writing. The inhaler must remain with your child at all times, with his/ her name and Year clearly displayed.

Illness at school

We have a team of trained first aiders at the school who can deal with minor injuries. If your child is taken ill or has an accident at school, we shall contact you. It is vitally important that the school has a current address and telephone number/ mobile number where parents / carers may be contacted in case of emergency. If we are unable to contact you or your representative, we shall act in the best interests of your child. This may involve taking them to hospital.

Illness at home

If your child is taken ill at home and is unable to attend school for any reason please inform us as soon as possible via the school secretary or answerphone.


Parents who drive their children to school are not permitted to park on the yellow lines outside school (including bus bays). To do so is illegal and dangerous for our children. We often have visits from the police to enforce restrictions.

No dogs are permitted in the school grounds. Smoking is strictly prohibited.


It is very important to us that your child is always happy whilst at Rhoscolyn. If for any reason, you wish to discuss any concerns you may have about your child with a teacher, please do so. If a problem arises at home which may affect your child’s education, again, please come and talk to us in confidence.

School Nurse

We have a team of school nurses who regularly visit the school to carry out a range of hearing, vision and dental tests. Parents are always informed in advance and may withdraw their child from the medical if they wish.

General Information


All school age children are required by law to attend school at all times. Parents who do not send their children to school will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer who may decide to visit the home to interview the parent/carer. Attendance registers are checked very carefully by the Educational Welfare Officer on a regular basis.

If your child is absent, the school will decide whether it is ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. Any absence that is not valid (e.g. going shopping, staying at home for a birthday, going on holiday without the Headteacher’s permission) is marked as ‘unauthorised’.

Valid reasons for ‘authorised’ absences include: illness, medical or dental appointments, family bereavements, or any leave granted by the Headteacher.

Absence In Term Time

In the unlikely event that you need to take your child out of school during term time, you must write to the Headteacher asking for permission. Taking your child out of school for a family holiday during term time is strongly discouraged as it will disrupt your child’s education. If the Headteacher decides to give you permission, then he will write to you to let you know.


Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school on time. It is essential that children are punctual and attend regularly. Persistent lateness or absence will adversely affect your child’s learning as well as their classmates’. Any child that misses the beginning of the day is at an immediate disadvantage. Please ensure that you child arrives in school before 9.00am.

It is very important that children are collected from school at 3:10pm. If you know you are going to be unavoidably late, please let us know so that a special arrangement can be made. Any child who is not collected by 3.40pm may be taken to the Social Services Department for Uncollected Children.

Parents should be aware that the school cannot be responsible for supervising children left unattended on the premises, except in the ten minute period before the beginning of the school day.

Children’s Property

We expect the children to learn to take responsibility for their property and respect one another’s. To help us with this, please make sure:

* All clothing and equipment is clearly marked with your child’s name.

* Your child does not bring to school any item that is not necessary (such as toys, mobile phones etc.).

* Your child reports to his/her teacher any item that is missing. We will return to your child any lost item that has a name on it. All un-named items will be taken to Lost Property.

* Your child asks to look for lost items in the Lost Property collection. At the end of each term, any uncollected items are recycled.

Making complaints

Should you be unhappy about anything at Rhoscolyn, you should always discuss it in the first instance with the class teacher. If you are not happy with the outcome then you can make an appointment with the Headteacher. If your complaint has still not been resolved to your satisfaction, then you may contact the chairperson of the governing body. This can be done in writing by leaving a letter in the school post box, addressed to the Chair of Governors, c/o Ysgol Rhoscolyn. A copy of the complaints procedure is available upon request.

Travelling to school

Rhoscolyn has transport provision from the Valley district and Holyhead area daily.

The LEA provides free school transport for full time pupils aged 4-11 years as follows.

for primary school pupils residing 1.5 miles or more from the school in whose catchment area they reside

For pupils with special educational needs or on medical grounds or other individual circumstances, which the LEA considers, make free transport necessary.

For pupils who attend a school which is not their catchment area school if that is the nearest school to the home, and if the distance from home to the school is 2 miles or more for pupils under 8 years old or 3 miles or more for pupils aged 8 years or older.

Except for those children in (iii) above it is expected for a child to walk a reasonable distance to meet any transport provided.

Primary school pupils living within 1.5 miles of school

Transport is provided at a reduced cost of 10 pence per journey for pupils who live within 1.5 miles of school.

Attending a school other than the school serving the catchment area in which they reside

Pupils who are granted permission to attend a school other than the school serving the catchment area in which they reside are normally required to make their own transport arrangements and to meet the cost involved. The LEA will consider applications in respect of such pupils for permission to take up vacant seats on school contract vehicles at a cost, which corresponds, to the cost of public transport. (This arrangement is not available to pupils who have the use of public service transport). The cost of public transport is currently 80p return per pupil, per day.

Transport is not provided for part time nursery pupils.

Enquiries regarding any matter relating to the provision of school transport should be made to the Transport Officer at the Education Office.




KS1 94% 6% 0%

KS2 94% 4.6% 1.4%


The medium of instruction

English, Science and Mathematics are taught through the medium of English. The Arts, Humanities and Technology are taught bilingually.

At Rhoscolyn we ensure that each pupil uses both languages as a medium of learning in varying degrees according to the needs of each individual.


At Rhoscolyn we believe that homework can enhance the quality of a child’s education. Children are required to complete a task at home to complement what they have been learning in class.

Sex education

In Key Stage 1, children learn all about themselves and why they are special. They learn about life cycles of plants and animals and the differences between themselves and others. Throughout all of this, children learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene, diet, rest and personal safety.

As they get older, their sex education is linked to the work they do in Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship (PSHEC). Children begin to ask questions about themselves and are allowed to do so in a supportive and sensitive environment. When the children enter Year 6, they will begin to learn about the basic facts of human reproduction, using appropriate video films and support and advice from the school nurse.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from specific elements of the Sex Education program but must do so in writing. The Headteacher will then arrange a meeting to discuss the matter with you.


We believe assemblies play an important part of a child’s life in the school community. An assembly takes place every day, either for the whole school or in class. We aim to incorporate the moral and religious principles that are held in common by religions, while maintaining the broadly Christian approach that is required by law. Children are encouraged to take an active part in our assemblies and sometimes lead them as part of a class assembly.

Parents may withdraw their child wholly or partly from attending any RE or collective worship. A request must be made in writing to the Headteacher who will invite you to discuss the matter to avoid misunderstanding:

the religious issues about which a parent would object the child being taught

the practical implications of withdrawal

the circumstances in which it would be reasonable to accommodate parents wishes

if a parent will require any advanced notice of such issue in the future and if so, how much

Educational visits and extra curricular instruction

Rhoscolyn provides the best possible educational opportunities. We believe that day to day education should be free of any compulsory charge to parents and guardians. We are eager to make the most of our rich local environment, our heritage and the excellent facilities on offer in large cities by educating our pupils outside the classroom and school’s perimeters.

At Rhoscolyn we recognise that some of the activities that will enrich your child’s time with us will need to be supported by financial contributions in whole or in part from parents. Rhoscolyn’s concern is to keep financial contributions to a reasonable minimum and to ensure as far as possible that all children are able to take part, irrespective of their circumstances. For visits outside school time parents will be charged for all allowable costs.
Parents of children who chose to undertake extra instrumental lessons will be charged at a subsidised cost.
A full charge will be made for the loss or damage to books or educational equipment.

Rhoscolyn pupils produce many examples of first class art and design products. Pupils develop their entrepreneurial skills by selling Artwork in the school gallery. Parents who wish to possess these finished products or prints will be charged accordingly!

Your Child’s Progress


The class teacher will assess your child throughout the year, plotting your child’s development using our secure online system which allows us to track each pupil’s progress throughout his/her time at Rhoscolyn. In addition, pupils complete written assessments to gauge progress in literacy and numeracy at the beginning and end of each school year. Data from these tasks assist the teachers to make statutory assessments in the summer term of children in Year 2 and Year 6.

Annual Reports

You will receive an annual report every July, detailing the progress your child has made during the year. The report covers each of the National Curriculum subjects and identifies targets for improvement for the following year. At the end of Year 2 and Year 6, the report also contains details of your child’s statutory assessment level.

Open Evenings

You will be invited to a termly meeting to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher. These meetings are held in the evening and are a very important part of your child’s education. In the summer term, you will be given the opportunity of discussing your child’s annual report. Parents are of course always welcome to discuss matters with their class teacher at other times during the year but are requested to arrange an appointment beforehand. We want to work closely with parents and be partners in the learning process, so that we can provide your child with the best possible education.

Additional Needs

Some children at Rhoscolyn have additional learning needs of one kind or another. We have a number of staff who are able to support the class teacher in meeting these needs. The school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, or SENCo who is responsible for ensuring that these special needs are met. The SENCo works very closely with parents to help the child as much as possible. Parents are encouraged to share any concerns they may have about their child’s learning with the class teacher or SENCo.

The School Community

Home-School Agreements

We have a Home-School Agreement that we ask all parents to sign. It is a statement of our aims and values, outlining everyone’s responsibilities regarding your child’s education. A copy of the Home-School Agreement can be obtained from the school office.


The Governing Body of the school are all volunteers who meet regularly to support the Headteacher in the leadership and management of the school. Our governors are all representatives of the local community, parents, teachers, councillors and local businesses.


We believe that the children play a key role in the development of the school. We regularly consult them on matters and are keen to find out their opinions. We have an active School Council that consists of elected members from different year groups. They meet regularly with the Deputy Headteacher to discuss matters and report directly to the Headteacher and Governors.

Our extensive grounds

Our grounds provide the ideal canvas for creative play, nature studies, growing plants and vegetables and are considered extensions to our classrooms. Each class tends the gardens in turn, gaining valuable insight and knowledge of horticultural issues. The gardens are supported by the School’s Garden Army of Volunteers, and Rhoscolyn currently houses:

a living willow dragon, a wildlife garden,

Kitchen garden, a wetland area and seaside garden.

We are proud to have achieved gold medal status with Gwynedd and Anglesey’s Green Schools.

Welfare and Safety


We aim for all our children to be well-behaved at all times, with good self-discipline. To do this we need to work in partnership with parents. To support this, we have a positive behaviour management policy, which highlights the school rules, along with systems of rewards to encourage good behaviour. If a child breaks a school rule, a detailed list of sanctions clearly outlines the appropriate action to follow.

Standards of good behaviour are expected at all times. All children are reminded that bullying and racism are not tolerated at school.


If your child is well enough to attend school but still needs to take medicine, the staff are not permitted to administer it. Generally, if a medicine needs to be taken 3 times a day, it can be given at home before school and again when your child comes home (with the third dose before bed). If you do need the school to give your child medicine during the day, please contact the Headteacher.

If your child needs an inhaler pump, then please inform the Headteacher in writing. The inhaler must remain with your child at all times, with his/ her name and Year clearly displayed.


Parents who drive their children to school are not permitted to park on the yellow lines outside school (including bus bays). To do so is illegal and dangerous for our children. We often have visits from the police to enforce restrictions.

No dogs are permitted in the school grounds. Smoking is strictly prohibited. The school undertakes a full risk assessment of the site annually.

School Nurse

We have a team of school nurses who regularly visit the school to carry out a range of hearing, vision and dental tests. Parents are always informed in advance and may withdraw their child from the medical if they wish.

Illness at school

We have a team of trained first aiders at the school who can deal with minor injuries. If your child is taken ill or has an accident at school, we shall contact you using the contact numbers provided by you on the SIMS form which you are required to complete when your child enters school for the first time. Parents are requested to inform the School Secretary to update the contact numbers when necessary. It is vitally important that the school has a current address and telephone number/ mobile number where parents / carers may be contacted in case of emergency. If we are unable to contact you or your representative, we shall act in the best interests of your child. This may involve taking them to hospital.

Illness at home

If your child is taken ill at home and is unable to attend school for any reason please inform us as soon as possible via the school secretary, answerphone or e-mail.


It is very important to us that your child is happy whilst at Rhoscolyn. If for any reason, you wish to discuss any concerns you may have about your child with a teacher, please do so. If a problem arises at home which may affect your child’s education, again, please come and talk to us in confidence.

General Information


All school age children are required by law to attend school at all times. Parents who do not send their children to school will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer who may decide to visit the home to interview the parent/carer. Attendance registers are checked very carefully by the Educational Welfare Officer on a regular basis.

If your child is absent, the school will decide whether it is ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. Any absence that is not valid (e.g. going shopping, staying at home for a birthday, going on holiday without the Headteacher’s permission) is marked as ‘unauthorised’.

Valid reasons for ‘authorised’ absences include: illness, medical or dental appointments, family bereavements, or any leave granted by the Headteacher.

Absence in term time

In the unlikely event that you need to take your child out of school during term time, you must write to the Headteacher asking for permission. Taking your child out of school for a family holiday during term time is strongly discouraged as it will disrupt your child’s education. If the Headteacher decides to give you permission, then she will write to you to let you know.

Children’s Property

We expect the children to learn to take responsibility for their property and respect that of others. To help us with this, please make sure:

* All clothing and equipment is clearly marked with your child’s name.

* Your child does not bring to school any item that is not necessary (such as toys, mobile phones etc.).

* Your child reports to his/her teacher any item that is missing. We will return to your child any lost item that has a name on it. All un-named items will be taken to Lost Property.

Your child asks to look for lost items in the Lost Property collection. At the end of each term, any uncollected items are recycled.


Ysgol Rhoscolyn has a school uniform which Governors strongly encourage compliance with.

Navy tunic, skirt or school trousers
Yellow polo shirt
Navy Blue cardigan/jumper/sweatshirt
Blue/White or Yellow/White check dress
Fleece (outdoor wear only)

Black/Navy school trousers or shorts
Yellow polo shirt
Navy blue jumper/sweatshirt
Fleece (outdoor wear only)

Rhoscolyn School Uniform is available from the School Office and M and E Stores of Holyhead . Please contact the School

Secretary for further information.

PE kit

Shorts or tracksuit bottoms, T-shirt, trainers

General Information

Making complaints

Should you be unhappy about anything at Rhoscolyn, you should always discuss it in the first instance with the class teacher. If you are not happy with the outcome then you can make an appointment with the Headteacher. If your complaint has still not been resolved, then you may contact the Chairperson of the Governing Body. This can be done in writing by leaving a letter in the school post box, addressed to the Chair of Governors, c/o Ysgol Rhoscolyn.

Travelling to school

Rhoscolyn has transport provision from the Valley district and Holyhead area daily.

The LEA provides free school transport for full time pupils aged 4-11 years as follows:

for primary school pupils residing 1.5 miles or more from the school in whose catchment area they reside

For pupils with special educational needs or on medical grounds or other individual circumstances, which the LEA considers, make free transport necessary.

For pupils who attend a school which is not their catchment area school if that is the nearest school to the home, and if the distance from home to the school is 2 miles or more for pupils under 8 years old or 3 miles or more for pupils aged 8 years or older.

Except for those children in (iii) above it is expected for a child to walk a reasonable distance to meet any transport provided.

Primary school pupils living within 1.5 miles of school

Transport is provided at a reduced cost of 10 pence per journey for pupils who live within 1.5 miles of school.

Pupils who are granted permission to attend a school other than the school serving the catchment area in which they reside are normally required to make their own transport arrangements and to meet the cost involved. The LEA will consider applications in respect of such pupils for permission to take up vacant seats on school contract vehicles at a cost, which corresponds, to the cost of public transport. (This arrangement is not available to pupils who have the use of public service transport). The cost of public transport is currently 80p return per pupil, per day.

Transport is not provided for part time nursery pupils.

Enquiries regarding any matter relating to the provision of school transport should be made to the Transport Officer at Llangefni.

Arrange a Visit

Please contact the school on

01407 860264

or e-mail

or write to the Headteacher

Miss Rwth Lloyd Williams

Ysgol Rhoscolyn




LL65 2DX

to arrange a visit to Ysgol Rhoscolyn